Dr. Thomas Meyer, Palpation of connective tissue

Montag, 21. Januar 2019 11:08


I am Thomas, Dr. in sports science and physical therapist, co founding member of INAS. 

I am working in my own studio, in Karlsruhe, Germany since 1997.

In Physical Therapy I am specialized in palpation and treatment of connective tissue and muscles with Acupuncture, Massages, Relaxation, Sports and Dance therapy and training.

As sports psychologist I am managing the very high level local youth promotion team in soccer with 10 teams, called KSC.

From 2011 to 2016 I was member of the committee of evaluation and examination of World Federation of Chinese medicine in Beijing.

I presented on world congresses 2009 WFAS Strasbourg, 2011 WFCMS Beijing, 2018 WFAS Paris- look here for my website: www.praxismeyer.com

In the following presentation, I want to share with you one of my treatment techniques: the findings of palpation of connective tissue in combination with a bending over testing and the palpation and treatment of trigger points.

If you want to discuss or if you are interested in organizing or taking part on a study, please contact me.

